Characters used to be one of the biggest barriers to learning Mandarin, but with our mnemonic system you’ll learn the story inside each character and cut down years of rote memorization.
We’ve unlocked countless patterns hidden in the structure of Mandarin. We’ll teach statistically relevant, high-leverage words and their associated grammars with text, audio, pronunciation and writing exercises.
See “Our Principles” below to understand why we’re so different.
In addition to exercises, users review material in context through stories written by native Chinese. Our slice-of-life stories stand apart with their mix of humor, action, romance, and authentic Chinese culture—without the boring dialogue found in so many textbooks. Hidden algorithmic structure keeps each story relevant to your study, reinforcing your practice without you noticing.
Whether you're a self-learner or in a classroom environment, you've probably noticed it's hard to immerse yourself in Mandarin. Where can you find content that's accurate to your progress and suited to the level of difficulty you're seeking?
With our targeted content portal, at any point you'll be able to access personalized recommendations for Chinese websites, blogs, videos, movies, and books. Once you've learned 90% of the words in a piece of content, it will become available in your portal. Want more of a challenge? No problem, just adjust the percentage.
Don't waste time learning words you'll never use. 90% of speech consists of just the most common 3000 words. We'll teach you how to speak Chinese with those first.
Why learn if you'll forget? Everything we teach is repeated in later lessons in a way that maximizes retention. We believe this is the best way to learn Mandarin.
Don't waste time learning words you'll never use. 90% of speech consists of just the most common 3000 words. We'll teach you how to speak Chinese with those first.
Words and grammar are useless without contextual understanding. It's much better to learn Chinese in context, as part of natural speech and writing.
Our learning engine adapts to you over time and provides constant feedback on your progress, areas needing more practice, and how to strengthen your linguistic ability.
Stop talking like a robot. Learn Chinese with our stories written in natural language, including slang and even words you wouldn't say around your grandparents.